Peace Lutheran Church ELCA
PMA Maynard Kellerman
Our purpose and mission:
As the people of God, our mission is to proclaim and celebrate the gospel of Jesus Christ. We acknowledge with grateful hearts that it is through the Word and Sacraments, as we worship and study, that the promises of God are continually renewed in us, and that through these promises, we are motivated and equipped for a serving ministry of witness, prayer and compassion in our everyday activities.
Here at Peace Lutheran, people of all ages find strength for life in different ways. Even so, we all share common identity expressed in these four words:
WORD – We look to the living Word of God in our preaching and teaching. God has promised to speak to us through the Bible and we believe his promise. It is our source and standard for what we do in this place.
GRACE – It is not by being good or any other works that we are saved. But out of His love and His fantastic grace God offers us forgiveness for our sins, freedom to live our life on this earth in joy, and the promise of life everlasting. Jesus welcomed all sinners, and so do we.
COMMUNITY – No person is an island. Faith grows within community. We value and nurture our friendships here and try to love and serve each other. Together we find our lives enriched and strengthened.
SERVICE – We do not exist for ourselves alone our mission as to love and serve our neighbors. We serve others within our community and our region but also throughout the world.
Opening hours
Sunday Worship @ 9:30 amSunday School @ 10:30 amAdult Bible Study/Fellowship, Community First & Third Sunday